Dear colleagues, delegates and guests,
On behalf of the JSC Sovereign Wealth Fund “Samruk-Kazyna”, I am pleased to support the initiative of the organisation of the Inaugural “Minex Central Asia” Mining Forum in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The forum will be held in Astana on 16-18 March 2010.
The Fund’s subsidiary Mining and Metallurgical companies and Financial Organisations are charged with the following important tasks:
· Assist economic growth and competitiveness of the Republic of Kazakhstan by supporting sustainable development of the country’s mining and metallurgical industry;
· Enforce interests of the State in the country’s Mineral Resources sector;
· Develop mining potential of Kazakhstan via implementation of new technologies and improving efficiency of state’s participation in the subsoil projects.
The problems of economic diversification, technical modernisation, improvement of quality of products and transition from raw commodity exports to production of scientifically advanced and value-added products are the most important for Mining and Metallurgical industry of Kazakhstan. Waste minimisation and reduction of industrial pollution are also our priorities.
Mining and Metallurgical companies need a platform from which to provide a discussion forum on current global mining and metals trends and their impact on the need for the industry’s development and modernization. Minex Mining & Exploration Forum should become such platform.
I wish the organisers and delegates to have a productive forum which could produce practical suggestions for efficient ways of cooperation between the corporations and the State on solving the tasks ahead.
Kairat Kelimbetov
Chief Executive
JSC “Sovereign Wealth Fund” “Samruk-Kazyna”
Dear Central Asian mineral market professionals!
On behalf of the JSC National Mining Company “Tau-Ken Samruk”, I am pleased to invite you to take part in the international Mining & Exploration Forum “MINEX Central Asia” which will be held on 16-18 March 2010 in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.
JSC National Mining Company “Tau-Ken Samruk” is proud to be the Lead regional partner of the MINEX Forum and welcomes its initiative to establish in Central Asia a professional platform aimed at facilitating dialogue between the mining companies and investors.
Mining partnership and the international MINEX forum (from English Mining and Exploration) were established in Russia in 2005 by a group of Russian and International mining engineers and consultant. MINEX events are organised with the purpose of stimulating knowledge exchange on efficient use of natural resources, and the use of advanced technologies and efficient business management models. In five years of its existence MINEX became the largest in the CIS mining trade and exploration community uniting over 2 thousand professionals working in the fields of exploration, prospecting, resource evaluation, financing and export of precious metals and stones, uranium, base metals, coal, iron ore, rare-earth metals and industrial minerals.
Minex Central Asia is to become a prime annual Mining Technical and Investment event for Kazakhstan and Central Asian Region. It will be providing a platform designed to facilitate international dialogue between companies, investors and government with the aim to encourage investment, sustainable development and improvement of efficiency of mining in the Central Asian region.
Today Kazakhstan is amongst the leading countries in terms of size and diversity of its mineral reserves. Combined with political stability, predictability of the State’s economic policy and preferential tax regime, it creates favourable investment climate. Kazakhstan also boasts a winning geographical position – close proximity to the largest markets such as China and thus is indeed a highly attractive market for investments.
The National Mining Company “Tau-Ken Samruk” is the national operator of mining and metallurgical assets in Kazakhstan, created with the purpose of consolidating state-owned assets and increasing the efficiency of their management.
The main business advantages of “Tau-Ken Samruk” are the right of direct dialogue with the competent body – the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan in relation to Kazakhstan natural resources assets – mines owned by the state; and the priority right to purchase licences and shares in natural resources companies. “Tau-Ken Samruk” is a part of the Group of Companies “The National Welfare Fund “Samruk-Kazyna”
I believe that the forum MINEX Central Asia will facilitate the broadening of business contacts, strengthening the existing business relations and advancement of the mining industry in Kazakhstan and the Central Asian Region.
I wish all participants productive and interesting work.
Respectfully yours,
Bolat Svyatov
Chairman of the Board
JSC “National Mining Company “Tau-Ken Samruk””

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
The Republic of Kazakhstan is pleased to host in Astana on 16 – 18 March 2010 the Inaugural Mining & Exploration Business Forum “Minex Central Asia 2010”.
Kazakhstan continues to illustrate exceptional business and investment perspectives in the Mining and Metals sector. The impeding “New Subsoil Use Code” and the State program of Industrial modernisation and innovation will be turning a new page in the development of the Natural minerals resources and mining industry of Kazakhstan which currently contributes to 22% of the National GDP. Kazakhstan has well established mining traditions and long history. This year Kazakhstan’s National Nuclear Company Kazatomprom has become the World’s No 1 Uranium producer. Such Kazakhstan’s Mining Champions as ENRC and Kazakhmys are on the top of the FTSE 100 list and have been consistently demonstrating ability for growth, innovation and sustainable development.
I wish Minex Central Asia Forum a success in providing an international platform which will encourage information exchange on investment and long term partnership opportunities in Kazakhstan and the whole Central Asian region.
The three day agenda of the forum will feature:
Over 50 presentations from the local government representatives, chief executives of the leading mining companies and international mining experts and financiers;
Three mining master classes which will provide update on current management issues and best mining practices in Kazakhstan and Central Asia;
A mining exhibition held alongside the forum will illustrate latest technologies and promising innovations in mining and exploration sector.
I sincerely hope that you will join the forum and lend your support.
Kairat Abusseitov
Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Kingdom
On behalf of the Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I extend a cordial welcome to all exhibitors, guests and organisers of the Minex Central Asia Mining and Exploration forum which will take place in Astana on 16-18 March 2010.
Vast natural resources of Kazakhstan, annually increasing minerals production and improving subsoil regulation provide strong foundation for growth of Kazakhstan’s Mining Industry and developing business partnerships.
Organised in currently unfavorable financial and investment climate, the forum is designed to enhance professional dialogue and develop understanding between Central Asian mining community and foreign investors in the spheres of Mining exploration and Technical cooperation.
The forum’s agenda offers an extensive list of presentations on current changes in sub-soil use regulation in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, mining strategies, mining finance and business optimisation and innovation practices. The exhibition organized alongside the forum will illustrate latest technologies and promising development trends in mining and exploration in Central Asia. I wish Minex Central Asia to become a leading Mining Forum which will assist with establishing new contacts, developing existing partnerships and sharing advanced business practices.
Bulat Uzhkenov
Chairman, Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
On behalf of the National Uranium Mining Company “Kazatomprom”, I welcome the initiative of holding the first “Minex Central Asia 2010” Mining & Exploration Forum in Astana!
I invite you to take part in the special plenary session which will focus on the latest developments in the uranium industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The National Atomic Company Kazatomprom is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan responsible for import and export of uranium, rare metals, nuclear fuel for power plants, special equipment and dual-purpose materials. At present, over 25,000 people are employed by the Company. The company is one of the world’s top uranium producers.
At the “Uranium” session we propose to discuss key prospects of the international cooperation in the development of a peaceful atomic industry. Specifically we are planning to address the problems of global uranium deficit, the development of conversion and ore-dressing facilities, the creation of safe nuclear plants – these problems cannot be solved by one particular country. To satisfy the increasing global demand for nuclear energy we must cooperate with our international partners to create together a full nuclear fuel cycle industry.
I am certain that the dialogue which will take place at the forum will stimulate international cooperation and discussion of the practical steps which we must take to meet the challenges faced by the uranium industry globally.
Yours faithfully
V. S. Shkolnik
Chairman of the Board
NAC “Kazatomprom”

On behalf of The Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises of Kazakhstan, I am pleased to invite you to take part in the annual Mining and Exploration Forum “MINEX Central Asia” which will be held on 16-18 March 2010 at the Radisson SAS Hotel in Astana, Kazakhstan.
The Forum will demonstrate opportunities for international partnerships in the spheres of technical innovation, modernisation and mining exploration in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
I am certain that the forum and organised alongside of it specialist exhibition will provide a perfect opportunity for the international expert discussion of the best mining practices and will greatly contribute to further advancement of the mining industry of Kazakhstan.
I sincerely wish all participants a successful participation in the forum which will hopefully become the basis for new businesses ventures and partnerships.
N. Radostovets
Executive Director
The Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises of Kazakhstan
I am delighted to greet participants in the inaugural MINEX Central Asia Mining Forum, to be held in Astana on 16 – 18 March.
The mining industry in Kazakhstan is a highly important driver for economic development and growth. I know that many British companies are already involved with the exciting developments in the sector, most in tandem with Kazakhstani partners. These companies bring strong UK and international expertise, built up over many years. This is particularly true in the vital area of mining safety. It was only two months ago that a conference on developments in mining safety took place here in Astana, led by EBRD and strongly supported by the UK’s Mines Inspectorate.
The programme for MINEX is wide and varied, covering important strategic financial and economic considerations as well technical subjects, such as new low-carbon technologies, which can be adopted to assist the industry’s future development. It is good to see strong UK involvement at MINEX alongside major Kazakhstani and international mining companies as well as the support for the event from the Kazakh-British Chamber of Commerce. I am sure that the commitment of companies such as SRK, Wardell Armstrong, Rio Tinto, Mincom and IMC Montan as well as ENRC and Kazakhmys will be a very strong driver for a positive and productive forum.
I am also delighted that the Chairman of the UK’s Atomic Energy Authority, Lady Barbara Thomas Judge, is participating in the Forum and speaking at the special plenary session on Uranium mining in Kazakhstan. I am sure that she and the other representatives of British companies presenting at MINEX will stimulate positive dialogue and contribute fully to the discussions over the next three days.
I wish the organisers and all participants an interesting and successful MINEX Forum.
David Moran
Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Kazakhstan